Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

You can leave your luggage with my butler here.

You won't be needing them anytime soon, methinks.

I shall be your host, and tonight's entertainment.

Leave your shoes outside, step in, come, don't be shy.

Mind your head, and stay close to me.

*Only for those whose age is 18 and above. You've been warned.*

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Act 1 : Night

As I stood
Upright on my
two feets
watching, observing
the forgotten past written in the stars
Tales of ages
worthy of it's own library
Some... thing
Nudged my senses

The Night whispers
A song, a hymn
In a language I could not comprehend
The Wind, The Creatures,
The Darkness,
Created an Overture
In which, given the chance
I could not possibly describe
with mere words

The rustling of the trees
Marks a presence, a being
Too beautiful for these eyes
Too serene for this heart

The sound of the Creatures
Which only serves
To embolden the words I wrote
Too sweet for these ears
Too melancholy for these mind

As I stood
Upright on my
Oh so feeble feets
The Darkness of The Night
Embraced me
Caressed me
And The Music,
How extravagant!
A melody, A rythim
unlike anything
A human can arrange

And these words, I convey
For without The Darkness of The Night,
Sunrise would not seem
as glorious,
and gorgeous