Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

You can leave your luggage with my butler here.

You won't be needing them anytime soon, methinks.

I shall be your host, and tonight's entertainment.

Leave your shoes outside, step in, come, don't be shy.

Mind your head, and stay close to me.

*Only for those whose age is 18 and above. You've been warned.*

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Act 4 : Confession

Father, Thy servant
kneels before Thine presence
"I know that Thou hearest me
and that Thou hearest me always"

Thy undeserving slave
Seeketh the way
For this feeling that I
feel in my being
What do they call it...
Yes, indeed

Father, I have sinned

Oh, why did Thou createth us?
Foul beings
animals hidden in our faith
A creature of chaos
consumed by petty
Desires and Hatred

mother, father!
It is not thine fault that
I was to be born in this body;
loved by none, despised by many
Mayhaps this twisted features
are a picture of my soul

If so, thought I
how about the souls of my parents?
My mother was beautiful; of this you know
My father was handsome; of this you know
Surely, their souls must be
as what their appearence

I suppose these bruises and scars
(on my cheeks, my mother gave me
on my back, my father gave me)
art what beautiful souls
does, encased within that mortal body

I wanted to see it;
how I wanted to see their souls!
It is thus that I have
made a hypothesis; a theory
The soul is what drives us forward
inside this feeble vessel
lies an intricate labyrinth

I skinned my father
After I cut his throbbing throat
with a saw
It is fine;
He was drunk, I made sure of that
I suppose, as many would say
Liquor is the best pain killers

I could not see his soul
It was covered in blood, muscles
His skin I threw away
the foul stench an aroma I could not comprehend

I heard a wise man spoke;
"the eyes art the window to the soul"
so I, so to say,
in a manner to my dismay
took away his window,
and to my surprise,
the soul is still
hidden away

I searched, cutting and sawing through
a futile attempt, this I know
to find that which you know nothing of
when I exhausted my self
the vessel of my father's soul was no more

My mother, I smashed her head
against our lovely white wall
Patterns, so lovely, so grosteque
formed on a pure white background
Her soul was not in her head;
nor was it in her bulging breasts

Her vessel I investigate
but, in a manner most similar
to the previous vessel
(whose vessel was it?)
I could not find
that which I thought would be
a beauty beyond compare

It was then that I realized
that I have sinned gravely
and thus, I kneel before Thee;
Most Graceful, Most Loving

I have sinned
for not being able to
see Thine most ingenius design
Is it perhaps because I lack

Father, my will is hardened
My resolution absoute;
I shall,
look for more vessels
and rest assured, with Thine will,
Someday the nature of the soul
shall no longer be a mistery
to me, and to others

Failure is the first step
to success, so they say
I shalt take this failure
as a stepping stone; a small gap
of which I can jump on; or over

Father, I have sinned

(To whom doth those two vessels
belong to?
I can not, for the life of me