Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

You can leave your luggage with my butler here.

You won't be needing them anytime soon, methinks.

I shall be your host, and tonight's entertainment.

Leave your shoes outside, step in, come, don't be shy.

Mind your head, and stay close to me.

*Only for those whose age is 18 and above. You've been warned.*

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Nope, this is not a short story.

But I may write something for tomorrow though. We'll see how it goes. It's been a while since I last wrote a proper short story (well the last proper one I had to delete, and you all know why). I'm thinking of a ghost story...

But anyways.

Isn't it kind of chilly in here? Hold on, I'll close the window...

That's better.

You know what, actually I don't know what to say here. I'm having some problems (which I think most of you would know, but I would be grateful if you don't discuss it here), and I've been kind of stressed out for the last few weeks.

Been trying to quit smoking too. Ain't THAT something. I figured that if I can't take care of myself, how am I going to take care of others?

(Last remainder: please do not discuss "that" here, guys)

So ok, I haven't really quit. I just went and cut down on the consumption. After the exam is over, I will try my best to really quit. This time I'm dead serious.

Or am I?

It depends on the circumstances, I guess.

So yeah, this is just one of those random rants.

Been a long while since I've done it, right? Yep, too long...

Well, I bid you

Good night.

Sleep tight.


Cyren Asteraceya said...

Quit smokin' huh?!

How completely and totally and utterly ironic...when it would seem that you have just gotten Victor and Kaamesh started on it! LOL

Well, I wish you good luck man (^.^)