Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

You can leave your luggage with my butler here.

You won't be needing them anytime soon, methinks.

I shall be your host, and tonight's entertainment.

Leave your shoes outside, step in, come, don't be shy.

Mind your head, and stay close to me.

*Only for those whose age is 18 and above. You've been warned.*

Friday, October 24, 2008

Interlude, 24 - 10 - 2008

So there you are, some short stories that I posted in between the interludes. Let's look at them one by one.

"Red" is already explained in the warning section. I was mildly displeased by the sexual violence, but I really think it can be worse. Moving on.

"Sestina of a lover" is a sestina. One girl who read it said that it could be better, and I couldn't agree more. I suppose I was not accustomed to a sestina's strict format, and used the wrong words to make one. That particular girl also asked me why my stories are always morbid, and always involve death.

I think I can answer this one. You know a lot of people says that if there is one thing that connects one human being to the next, that thing would be love.

I respectfully disagree. It's not love, but it's death that connects us all. That's the part of my stories that I think most people can relate to (if not the only thing that most people can relate to). So there you go.

And for your information, I am not a psycho-killer.

Moving on.

"Playwrite" is a really fun piece to write. I think it sounds really nice when you read it out loud, because the words somehow rhymes. Somehow. This post has the advantage of being true, in the sense that playwrights have that ability to betray the audience's trust (telling a secret through a story) without no restrictions whatsoever. I really like this one. Moving on.

"The Day The Angels Died" is inspired by Neil Gaiman's "The Day The Saucers Came" (I am eternally indebted to Mr. Gaiman's work). I tried to make it funny, but instead it turned into yet another dark fiction. I think I will get back to this one, make it better. The concept is really funny, I think. Angels are replaced by demons. What are the odds? Moving on.

The untitled post that I removed from this blog is about how writers can get their stories. They're utter non-sense, and I think the message that I was trying to get across is that stories can come from anywhere. You just have to look, or listen, carefully. Moving on.

"The Boy, The Heart, She" is a really weird one. At first it was supposed to be a proper short story, but when I looked through it I thought that using the same word for every section of the story looks really neat. And it does. This is also my most personal post. I think you can relate to this too.

So for those who read my stories, thank you for taking the time. For those who provided input and comments, thank you to you too. We'll see what other crazy shit I can come up with. Until then,

Good night,




Cyren Asteraceya said...

If only you could have seen me nodding as I write this comment. I Couldn't agree more.

Especially with your statement that it is not love that draws us together. To me the concept of love is and effervescent and temporary notion. There is nothing rational about it and nothing real about it. It has become, I'm afraid to say, something like the mermaids of my fascination;

basically, something that amazes me and enthralls me, but as distant from reality as concepts of heaven and hell (which I do not believe in).

Its strange. ESP I can believe in. Spiritualism I can accept. Mythology I can argue about. But love...when it comes to matters regarding love I draw complete blanks. It's just so surreal almost...entirely constructed by man.

Do you know what I mean? Love is almost jsut a word. The meaning of what the word prescribes to...I cannot say.

Anyway, Love your writing. One of your latest additions on the Boy and the Heart was especially enjoyable.


Bagus Wibadsu Sosroseno said...

Yes, I know what you mean. So I guess it's safe to say that the word "love" is just a sum of infinite parts: a bit of madness, a bit of hate, a bit of faith, etc etc.

Thanks for the comment as always dude.